Saturday, January 15, 2011

Pervy Sims

As my fellow Pervy Councillors know, I can often be found playing "The Sims 3", a miraculous gaming invention by giants in the gaming industry, "Electronic Arts". Being that I was inundating my Twitter feed with so many Sims 3 updates, occasionally to the amusement of my friends, I decided to recreate the Pervy Council in The Sims.

So, I started this game off with the latest expansion pack, "Late Night", which gave me a new city ("Bridgeport"), and several new features, including the opportunity to become a celebrity. "Late Night" also re-introduced the capacity to live in an apartment instead of a house (which we haven't seen since The Sims 2). Being that I wasn't planning to cheat (this time) and give my Sims loads of money so that they could buy a deliciously huge house, I put them all in an apartment. I soon discovered that the apartments were far too small for all of us. The Ministers for Music and YouTube were promptly kicked out to their own little apartment nearby, whilst the Ministers for Eurovision and Sex Education were banished to a separate apartment with the Lord of Panicked Exit Strategies. At the time of playing the game, the Pervy Queen and the Minister without Profiteroles were online on Twitter, so I decided to just play those two for the moment, and then switch households later on to keep up with the others.

I have taken a small number of screenshots to welcome you all to my Sims game. This is the apartment that the Pervy Queen and the Minister without Profiteroles are currently living in (sharing a bedroom, too - how saucy). Here we see the Minister without Profiteroles eating something he made himself:

And here is the Pervy Queen, about to eat some blackened waffles that she made herself, whilst wearing her Ghost Hunting outfit and being rather in need of a shower:

Here we see the Minister without Profiteroles fixing the dishwashing (pervy angle):

And here is the Minister without Profiteroles taking a whizz:

And here is the Pervy Queen and the Minister without Profiteroles at a local lounge for celebrities called "The Prosper Room". Both of them had to bribe their way in as they don't have any celebrity points yet. Note that the Pervy Queen very quickly found her way to the bar:

And that is all I have for you today! I'm going back in to play the game now and hopefully can get some more gameplay captured for your entertainment.

In need of caffeine,
Minister @painted_duchess


  1. *cackles inanely at pic of Minister without Profiteroles "fixing" the dishwashing*...

    ...*then stops cackling* we're SHARING A BEDROOM?!?!?!?

  2. Starting to wonder if this is a "pervy alternate reality" or a prediction of the future XD
