Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Pervy Sims Update: Pervy Queen Ghost Huntin'

Let me introduce this post by confessing that I did not always get the best angle for these screenshots from gameplay. My old laptop is a tad pissy with the hot weather and until I wait for my very shiny item to arrive that will cure my laptop of its ills, gameplay is a little... stunted. I also don't know if it's illegal, copyright-wise, for me to be posting pictures from The Sims 3, but we'll soon find out if somebody tries to sue me...

Today, I thought that I would share with you some pics of the Pervy Queen in her Ghost Hunting position. In the Sims 3, you can either have a "job" (going to a place of employment within Bridgeport and answering to a boss) or a "profession" (essentially, being self-employed in a skilled art). I chose to place the Pervy Queen amongst the most mysterious Sims in the village by making her a champion Ghost Hunter. Indeed, the Pervy Queen was up to Level 9 of the Ghost Hunting profession but then the game became too damn buggy. We'd go and evict "Angry Ghosts" from residences, and it wouldn't register at all, so the jobs were "incomplete" and the Pervy Queen wasn't getting money or experience points! Pffffffft! So I've started afresh (much to the Minister for Eurovision's disappointment, as I'd just gotten her knocked up - to a man who wasn't even her boyfriend - the Earl of Nomenclature! Gracious!). Here are some ghost hunting pics from the old game. Enjoy.

This is just a wee little "spirit" in a tiny apartment.

Note the Pervy Queen using her "Banshee Banisher" to suck the little spirit away.

There was another spirit in the garden. Tricky little buggers.

Whoooaaa, far out! The Pervy Queen is most startled to realise that the apartment in question belongs to her Good Friend and Pervy Councillor, the Earl of Nomenclature! Wowzer! Dressed as a "Paper Boy", as he's currently engaged in the Journalism career and hasn't been promoted past Level 1. Oops.

This one was particularly tricky, as the spirits were hiding in the three-tiered garden, which the Pervy Queen couldn't traipse all over, presumably due to her Fabulously Pervy Boots that only Queens wear. 

The Pervy Queen gunning down another spirit in somebody else's apartment.

Getting ready to do some Queenly investigating.

Gunning down a spirit in some dude's bedroom. Check out the cheap brass bed! Pffft! 
If the bed's a'rockin', call the police!

Ah. Now, here, the Pervy Queen had been promoted to using a Ghost Scanner to "scan" for spirits and ghosts in the immediate area. You have to scan each room, and the scanner tells you if you're close or really far away still. The room goes mysteriously cold when you hit the jackpot...

This is apparently an "Angry Ghost". All of their personality traits are undesirable, eg. Grumpy, Evil, Insane, but other than that, haven't worked out what makes them angry. As soon as the Ghost Scanner picks them up, I use the two interaction options to reassure them that they'd led a full life and their loved ones are okay twice each, then "convince to move on", and they just disappear silently. Angry Ghosts? Okay.

The Pervy Queen is scanning for ghosts in the lobby/foyer of this apartment building.

So damned irritating. This ghost appeared when the Pervy Queen scanned in the foyer, but it was stuck in the room next to the foyer, which isn't even an apartment! A bug in the game. So I had to leave that job as incomplete, as I couldn't even "call over" the ghost. Annoyyyyying!

Another shot of the Pervy Queen staring in disgust at the ghost she couldn't kill. I guess I should explain something - the view is "Wall Cutaway". If I played with all the walls of the buildings "up" all the time, I'd never be able to damn well see what they were doing. So I play "cutaway", which means that the front part of the wall is collapsed so you can see the interior of the room. So we can SEE the ghost, but the ghost is in a different room that the Pervy Queen doesn't have access to.

The Pervy Queen putting her Ghost Scanner to good use in that same apartment with the cheap bed again! Man, he must be seriously pissing off some kids in the spirit world.

Rational discussions with the recently departed.

Convincing another ghost to move on. Who has a foosball table in their bedroom?!

You can see the moodlet over the Pervy Queen's head - she was moaning that she was hungry.

A couple of ghosts to deal with here - and naturally, the home owner was going beserk. Real helpful, lady.

The Pervy Queen valiantly gets on with her job despite the home owner being a nutcase.

Now the homeowner is flirting with some dude (famous actor: Devin Ashton) while the Pervy Queen fixes all of her vengeful spirit problems. Seriously, this job doesn't pay enough. Speaking of pay, the Pervy Queen gets a weekly stipend, and then another payment per job completed. Her hours of work are Mon-Fri, 5pm - 3am.

The Pervy Queen has finally convinced this ghost to move on, and it's having one last tantrum first.

You may recognise this: it's the Pervy Queen's old flat! Bizarrely, all of the furniture is still exactly where I put it, too, despite taking all the furniture to the new house. Weird.

Lucky last - the Pervy Queen dealing with three ghosts in an average apartment.

Well, that's all for now, pervilicious ones! 'Til next time,
The Minister for Arts, Shiny Things, Etc., xoxoxo


  1. O fecking giddy Aunt....this is like storyboards for a movie....oK, sure, maybe a telemovie on cable but ......

    *considers possible story lines* ....need a geeky but hot male sidekick...a car, something classic.... some sort of headquarters, dimly lit, sort of Victorian-era.....and a NEMESIS......

    *eyes wide, maniacal grin*

  2. So the Minister Without Profiteroles can't fit the geeky but hot male sidekick role? ;-)
